Harici ?thalat?? Pro: ??te b?yle ?al???yor:
?r?n verilerini ay?klay?n
External Importer gets all the information about products from stores? websites. Just type in the address or listing URL for the product. You don?t need to use the API or deal with big CSV files.
?r?nleri WooCommerce'e aktarma
We?ve made a quick and easy way to import products into your WooCommerce store. All the data you import is yours to do with how it is used. Prices and availability will automatically be changed.
Kazanmaya ba?lay?n
The plugin will use your affiliate IDs to automatically make affiliate links for all products that aren?t on your site. You keep 100% of the money you make as an affiliate. People who dropship items can also set their own prices.
Harici ?thalat?? Pro hangi web siteleri ile kullan?labilir?
We?ve created several layers of web parsers to extract product data from eCommerce websites.
Geli?mi? Ayr??t?r?c?lar
These unleash the plugin?s full potential: special advanced parsers for?over 90 popular affiliate programs?worldwide. In addition to basic data, most Advanced Parsers can extract additional data:
Galeri g?r?nt?leri
Eski fiyat
Kategori yolu
Teknik ?zellikler
Derecelendirmeli kullan?c? yorumlar?
Bu t?r i?erikleri sat?? ortakl??? web sitenize eklerseniz daha eksiksiz ve profesyonel g?r?n?r. Hem tek tek ?r?nleri hem de web sitenizin t?m b?l?mlerini i?e aktarmak istiyorsan?z, bunu sayfalar? listeleyerek otomatik sayfaland?rma ile yapabilirsiniz.
External Importer PRO ile ilgili harika ?eyler var:
Otomatik senkronizasyon
External Importer katalo?unuzu en g?ncel fiyatlar ve ?r?n mevcudiyeti ile g?nceller. Her ?eyin olabildi?ince iyi ?al??t???ndan emin olmak i?in g?ncellemeler arka planda ayarlan?r. Stokta olmayan ?r?nleri kendili?inden kald?rmak m?mk?nd?r.
Araba ithalat?
Whenever a new product is added to the target website?s list page, it will be added to your website. Affiliate stores will always carry the most up-to-date goods.
Engellenmekten ka??n?n
Make sure you read and follow robots.txt rules, such as daily query quotas, requests throttling and random query times, cookie sessions and browsers that use real browsers? headers.
Herhangi bir sat?? ortakl??? a??n? kullan?n
Sat?? ortakl??? ba?lant?lar? olu?turmak ve sat?? ortakl??? a?lar? ?zerinden trafik ?ekmek i?in derin ba?lant?lar kullanabilir veya bunlar? dinamik olarak de?i?tirebilirsiniz.
Dropshipping ma?azas?
You can import products as ?simple? WooCommerce products and start a dropshipping store from your own store. Use rules that can be changed to set your markup up.
Affiliate Egg entegrasyonu
Harici ?thalat??, a?a??daki durumlarda kullan?labilir Affiliate Egg Pro eklentisinin web sitenizde zaten y?kl? oldu?unu unutmay?n. ?zel AE ayr??t?r?c?lar? da dahil olmak ?zere AE ayr??t?r?c?lar?, ?r?nleri sitenizden ay?klamak ve Harici ??e Aktar?c?ya g?ndermek i?in kullan?labilir.
K?resel/yerel nitelikler
Bu durumda, hangi ?r?n ?zelliklerini t?m?n?n (taksonomi) global ?zellikleri yapmak istedi?inizi se?ebilirsiniz. Bu widget'lar ve filtreler WooCommerce katalo?unuzla birlikte kullan?labilir.
URL'ye g?re harici g?r?nt?ler
Featured images and galleries can be shown from other websites without having to save them to your own media library first. When you do this, you will save a lot of space on your server?s hard drive.
Dinamik kategoriler
Kategori yollar? yard?m?yla, ??kar?lan ?r?nler otomatik olarak ait olduklar? kategoriye eklenecektir. Bu sayede b?y?k miktarda ?r?n?n i?e aktar?lmas? ?ok daha kolay hale gelir.
External Importer Pro v1.7.1 ?ndir [Son S?r?m]
Web sitesinde sunulan t?m Temalar/Pluginler GNU Genel Kamu Lisans? alt?nda yay?nlanmaktad?r.
Unlimited use,?you can install them on any site with full premium features available.
100% temiz dosyalar ve vir?slerden ar?nd?r?lm??.
This item is?for testing & studying purposes only and is not supported for commercial use.
We highly recommend to buy External Importer Pro?from the official site.
If you can?t find the latest version of the product on the site or want any Theme/ Plugin, those are not available here, please contact us. I will upload as soon as possible.
Harici ?thalat?? Pro ChangeLog
S?r?m 1.7.1 29 Ekim 2021
Yeni: K?sa a??klamalar i?in destek eklendi (yaln?zca ?zel ayr??t?r?c?lar).